Faculty & Administrators: H I J K

A-B | C-D | E-G | H-K | L-R | S-Z | Emeriti | Honors
Footnotes used:
1 Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising
2 Academy of Teaching Excellence inductee
3 Wine Award recipient
4 Sporn Award recipient
5 Alumni Award for Extension Excellence
6 Alumni Award for Research Excellence
7 Alumni Award for Teaching Excellence
8 Academy of Faculty Service
9 Commonwealth of Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award
10 Diggs Teaching Scholar Awards
  • The numbers in parentheses indicate the year of joining the faculty. Job title, degrees earned, where obtained, and year obtained follow.
  • Non-resident staff locations are noted for those persons not based at the Blacksburg campus.


HA, Dong S. (1986), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Seoul Univ., 1974; M.S., Iowa, 1984; Ph.D., Iowa, 1987.

HAAS, Carola A. (1993), Assoc. Prof. of Wildlife. B.A., Wellesley, 1983; Ph.D., Cornell, 1990.

HACH, Richard G. (2000), Assoc. Director, Network Administration. B.S., Old Dominion Univ., 1980. M.Ed., Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 1995.

HAGEDORN, Charles (1986), Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences and of Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science. B.S., Bridgewater, 1970; M.S., Iowa State, 1972; Ph.D., Iowa State, 1974.

HAGEDORN, George A. (1980), Prof. of Mathematics. A.B., Cornell, 1974; M.A., Princeton, 1975; Ph.D., Princeton, 1978.

HAGEDORN, Susan A. (1989), Senior Instructor of English. B.A., Bridgewater College, 1968; M.A., Iowa State Univ., 1974; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2001.

HAGEN, Susan M. (1993), Senior Instructor of Mathematics. B.M.Ed., Cornell, 1980; M.A., Univ. of South Dakota, 1985.

HAGERMAN, Cortney R. (2009), Budget Manager. B.S., Bluefield State College, 2003.

HAGOOD, Jr., E. Scott (1980), Prof. of Weed Science. B.A. Denison Univ., 1972; M.S. Purdue Univ., 1977; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 1980.

HAJJ, Muhammad R. (1992), Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.E., American Univ. of Beirut, 1983; M.Sc.E., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1985; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1990.

HALFON, Saul (2002), Assoc. Prof. of Science and Technology in Society. B.A., Wesleyan Univ., 1989; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 2000.

HALL, Christopher D. (1997), Prof. and Head of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering; ESM Affiliate Faculty. B. S., Auburn Univ., 1984; M.S., Air Force Institute of Technology, 1988; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1992.

HALL, Ralph P. (2009), Asst. Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning. M.Eng, Univ. of Southampton, 1999; S.M., MIT, 2002; S.M., MIT, 2002; Ph.D., MIT, 2006.

HALL, Roderick A. (1989), Assoc. Vice President for Research. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1986; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1989; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2009.

HALL, T. Simin (2009), Research Asst. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1980; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1981; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, 2008.

HALLER, Hans H. (1985), Prof. of Economics. Diplom-Mathematiker (Germany), 1976; Ph.D. Bonn Univ., 1978.

HALLERMAN, Eric M. (1989), Prof. of Fisheries and Department Head of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. B.S., Illinois, 1977; M.S., Illinois, 1980; Ph.D., Auburn, 1984.

HAMMETT, A. L. (1995), Prof. of Wood Science and Forest Products. B.S., New Hampshire, 1974; M.F.R., Georgia, 1987; Ph.D., Georgia, 1991.

HANCOCK, Kathleen L. (2004), Assoc. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Assoc. Director, Center for Geospatial Information Technology. A.A.S., Del Mar College, 1977; B.S., Colorado State Univ., 1982; M.S., Vanderbilt Univ., 1991; Ph.D., Vanderbilt Univ., 1994; P.E. (Nat. Capital Region campus)

HANKS, Lucy L. (1981), Instructor of Mathematics. B.S., Radford, 1970; M.S., Memphis State, 1971.

HANNAM, Benjamin (2006), Asst. Prof. of Art. B.F.A., Old Dominion Univ., 1996; M.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 2002.

HANIGAN, Mark D. (2005), Assoc. Prof. of Dairy Science. B.S., Iowa State, 1987; M.S., UC Davis, 1989; Ph.D., UC Davis, 1991.

HANSEN, Mary A. (1984), Instructor of Plant Pathology. B.S., Ohio State Univ., 1979; M.S., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1984.

HANSON, Brian E. (1980), Prof. of Chemistry. B.A.,M.A., Johns Hopkins, 1975; Ph.D., Texas A&M, 1978. HARMON, Jr., L. Kenneth (1991), Assoc. Prof. of Industrial and Systems Engineering. B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1960; M.B.A., Wright State Univ., 1970. P.E. (Northern Virginia Center).

HARDY, Warren (2007), Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Michigan, 1985; M.S., Wayne State Univ., 1988; Ph.D., Wayne State Univ., 2007.

HARPER, Allen F. (1992), Prof. of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1979; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1982; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1992.

HARPER, Tisha (2006), Asst. Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Univ. of the West Indies, 1995; M.S., Virginia Tech, 2003; Diplomate A.C.V.S., (2005).

HARRELL, Leigh M. (2004), Instructor of Statistics. B.A., Virginia Wesleyan, 1997; M.S., Georgia, 2004; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2009.

HARRILL, Paul, (2006), Asst. Prof. of Cinema. B.A., Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1994; M.F.A., Temple Univ., 1999.

HARRINGTON-BECKER, Gertrude (1991), Senior Instructor; Department of Religion and Culture. B.A., College of the Holy Cross, 1983. M.A., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985. M.A., Virginia Tech,1990; Ph.D., Florida, 2008.

HARRIS, Carl E. (2005), Chief Technology Architect & Director Research/Development. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1995.

HARRIS, James R. (1993), Prof. and Department Head of Horticulture. B.S., Michigan, 1975; M.S., Florida, 1990; Ph.D., Cornell, 1993.

HARRISON, David W. (1985), Assoc. Prof. of Psychology. B.S., Univ. of New Mexico, 1978; M.A., Univ. of Georgia, 1980; Ph.D., Univ. of Georgia, 1983.

HARRISON, Kwame (2004), Assoc. Prof. of Sociology. B.A., Univ. of Massachusetts, 1992; M.A. Syracuse Univ., 1999; Ph.D., Syracuse Univ., 2004.

HARRISON, Steve (2003), Assoc. Prof. of Practice of Computer Science. B.A., Univ. of California, 1973; M.A., Univ. of California, 1978.

HART, Heath (1998), Instructor of Mathematics. B.S., Guilford College, 1989; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1991.

HARVEY, Robert J. (1987), Assoc. Prof. of Psychology. B.A., Univ. of Missouri, 1977; M.A., Univ. of Missouri, 1979; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ., 1982.

HARVILL, JoAnn (1980), Senior Instructor of English. B.A., Lamar Univ., 1975; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1981.

HASKELL, Peter E. (1988), Prof. of Mathematics and Department Head. A.B., Harvard, 1977; Ph.D., Brown, 1982.

HASSALL, James C. (2009), Applications Analyst, Enterprise Systems. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1977.

HATFIELD, Cindy L. (2002), Asst. Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. M.S., Univ. of New Brunswick, 1991; D.V.M., Atlantic Veterinary College, 1997.

HATFIELD, Donald E. (1993), Assoc. Prof. of Management. B.S., Iowa State, 1981; M.B.A., Univ. of Iowa, 1985; Ph.D., UCLA, 1993.

HAUENSTEIN, Neil M. A. (1987), Assoc. Prof. of Psychology. B.A., Ohio Northern Univ., 1979; M.A., Univ. of Akron, 1983; Ph.D., Univ. of Akron, 1987.

HAUSMAN, Bernice (1995), Prof. of English. B.A., Yale Univ., 1985; M.A., Univ. of Iowa, 1990; Ph.D., Univ. of Iowa, 1992.

HAWDON, James (2004), Prof. of Sociology. B.A., Penn State, 1985; M.A., UVA, 1988; Ph.D., UVA, 1992.

HAWLEY, Dana (2006), Asst. Prof. of Zoology. B.S., William and Mary, 1999; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 2005.

HAYHOE, Celia R. (2002), Assoc. Prof. of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management. B.S Univ. of Arizona, 1969; M.S. Univ. of Arizona, 1989; Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona, 1994.

HEATH, Lenwood S. (1987), Prof. of Computer Science. B.S., UNC-CH, 1975; M.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1976; Ph.D., UNC-CH, 1985.

HEATON, Matthew (2008), Asst. Prof. of History. B.A., Texas, 2002; M.A., Texas, 2004; Ph.D., Texas, 2008.

HEATWOLE, Conrad D. (1986), Assoc. Prof. of Biological Systems Engineering. B.S., VPI, 1978; M.S., VPI, 1979; Ph.D., Florida, 1986; P.E.

HEFLIN, James R. (1992), Prof. of Physics. B.S., William & Mary, 1984; Ph.D, Univ. of PA, 1990.

HEIDBREDER, Kay (1982), University Legal Counsel. A.B., Univ. of Missouri, 1978; J.D., Washington U., 1981.

HEILKER, Paul V. (1994), Assoc. Prof. of English. B.A., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, 1985; M.A., Colorado State Univ., 1988; Ph.D., Texas Christian Univ., 1992.2 ,4

HEIN, Serge F. (2004), Assoc. Prof. of Education. Bachelor of Commerce, Univ. of Alberta, 1989; M.Ed., Univ. of Alberta, 1992; Ph.D., Univ. of Alberta, 1996.

HELM, Richard F. (1992), Assoc. Prof. of Biochemistry. B.S., SUNY, 1982; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1987.

HENAO-GUERRERO, Piedad N. (2007), Asst. Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. Medicina Veterinaria, Univ. de la Salle, 2000; Diplomate, ACVA (Anesthesiologists), 2008.

HENDRICKS, Scott L. (1979), Assoc. Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.A., Utah, 1974; Ph.D., Virginia, 1979.

HENSLEY, Rachel Duvall (2004), Instructor of Agricultural Technology. B.S., Virginia Tech, 2000; M.S., Virginia Tech, 2002.

HERBERT, D. Ames (1988), Prof. of Entomology. B.S., Johnson State, 1971; M.S., Auburn, 1975; Ph.D., Auburn, 1985. (Tidewater)

HERDMAN, Terry L. (1974), Assoc. Vice President for Research Computing, Director of Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Math and Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Fort Hays, 1967; M.A., Oklahoma, 1970; Ph.D., Oklahoma, 1974.

HEREMANS, Jean Joseph (2005), Assoc. Prof. of Physics. Diploma, Univ. of Leuven, 1987; M.S., Princeton, 1989; Ph.D., Princeton, 1994.

HERNICK, Marcy (2007), Asst. Prof. of Biochemistry. B.S., Albany College of Pharmacy, 1998; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 2002.

HERRING, Ian P. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Texas A & M, 1994; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1998; Diplomate, A.C.V.O.

HESSION, W. Cully (2005), Assoc. Prof. of Biological Systems Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1984; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1988; Ph.D., Oklahoma State, 1995; P.E.

HESTER, Erich T. (2008), Asst. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. A.B., Dartmouth College, 1992; M.S., Stanford Univ., 1998; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2008.

HICKS, David L. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Education. B.A., Lancaster Univ., 1988; M.A., State Univ. of New York College at Cortland, 1994; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1999.

HICKS, James O. (1976), Prof. of Accounting and Information Systems. B.B.A., Georgia State, 1966; M.B.A., Georgia State, 1968; Ph.D., Georgia State, 1976.

HICKS, Sam A. (1979), Assoc. Prof. of Accounting and Information Systems. B.S., Tennessee, 1967; M.B.A., Wisconsin, 1969; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1976.

HICOK, Bob (2003), Assoc. Prof. of English. M.F.A., Vermont College, 2004.

HIDALGO, Dennis (2008), Asst. Prof. of History. B.A., Universidad Adventista de las Antillas, 1988; M.Div., Andrews, 1996; M.A., Western Illinois, 1998; Ph.D., Strathclyde and Central Michigan, 2003.

HILL, Jennie L. (2007), Asst. Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Univ. of Nebraska-Kearney, 1998; M.S., Kansas State Univ., 2000.

HILL, Karen M. (2009), Auxiliary Budget Manager. A.A.S., New River Community College, 1982; B.S., Radford Univ., 1996.

HILLER, Janine S. (1981), Prof. of Business Law. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1978; J.D., Univ. of Richmond, 1981.

HILU, Khidir W. (1981), Prof. of Botany. B.S., Baghdad, 1966; M.S., Baghdad, 1971; Ph.D., Illinois, 1976.

HINCKER, Larry G. (1988), Assoc. Vice President for Univ. Relations. B.A., Brooks Institute, l977; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1994.

HINDMAN, Daniel P. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Wood Engineering. B.S., Pennsylvania State, 1997; M.S., Pennsylvania State, 1999; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 2003.

HIRSH, Richard F. (1980), Prof. of History. B.A., Middlebury, 1974; M.A., Wisconsin, 1976; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1979; M.S., Wisconsin, 1980.

HIRT, Joan B. (1996), Prof. of Education. B.A., Bucknell Univ., 1972; M.A., Univ. of Maryland, 1979; Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona, 1992.

HIRT, Sonia (2004), Asst. Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning and Public Administration and Policy. Arch Dipl., Higher Institute of Arch and Civil Engineering, Bulgaria, 1991; MURP, Univ. of Michigan, 1995; Ph.D., Univ. of Michagan, 2003.

HITCHINGHAM, Eileen E. (1995), Prof.; Dean of Univ. Libraries, Library. B.S., Chestnut Hill College, PA, 1965; M.A., Western Michigan Univ., 1966; Ph.D., Wayne State, MI, 1979.

HOBEIKA, Antoine (1973), Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.E., American Univ. of Beirut, 1967; M.E., American Univ. of Beirut, 1970; Ph.D., Purdue, 1973; P.E.

HOCHELLA, Jr., Michael F. (1992), Univ. Distinquished Prof. and Prof. of Geosciences. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1975; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1977; Ph.D., Stanford Univ., 1981. 9

HODGE, Timothy L. (1999), University Budget Director. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1990; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1999.

HODGES, Steven C. (2002), Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., Florida, 1974; M.S., Florida, 1977; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1980.

HODGSON, David R. (2007), Head of Department and Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.V.Sc., Univ. of Sydney, 1979; Ph.D., Univ. of Sydney, 1984; Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M.

HODGSON, Jennifer L. (2007), Assoc. Dean, Professional Programs and Assoc. Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. B.V.Sc., Univ. of Sydney, 1982; Ph.D., Washington State Univ., 1991; Diplomate, A.C.V.M.

HOESCHELE, Ina (2002), Prof. of Statistics. Diploma, Hohenheim Univ., 1983; Ph.D., Hohenheim Univ., 1986.

HOFER, Stefanie (2005), Asst. Prof. of German. M.A. (Magister) at Ruprect-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg, (Germany), 2000; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005.

HOFFMAN, Kurt A. (2000), Instructor and Director of Undergraduate Studies. B.S., Bucknell Univ., 1992; M.S., Univ. of California-Davis, 1996; Ph.D., Univ. of California-Davis, 1998.2,7

HOLE, John A. (1996), Assoc. Prof. of Geophysics. B.Sc.,Carleton Univ., 1986; Ph.D., Univ. of British Columbia, 1993.

HOLLANDER, Henry (1988), Coordinator for Outreach and Alumni Relations, Administrative and Professional Faculty, Architecture. B.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1989; M.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1991.

HOLLIDAY, Kent A. (1974), Prof. of Music. B.A., Hamline, 1962; M.A., Minnesota, 1965; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1968.

HOLLOWAY, Rachel L. (1989), Assoc. Prof. of Communication and Assoc. Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. B.A., Morehead State Univ., 1983; M.A., Purdue, 1985; Ph.D., Purdue, 1990.1

HOLSHOUSER, David L. (1996), Assoc. Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., NCSU, 1985; M.S., NCSU, 1987; Ph.D., Texas A&M, 1993. (Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center).

HOLT, Jaan (1972), Prof. of Architecture, Director of the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center. B.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1965; M.Arch., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1966.

HOLT, Rengin T. (1979), Instructor, Architecture. B.Arch., Montana State, 1966; B.A., Virginia Tech, 1974; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1975.

HOLTZMAN, Golde I. (1980), Assoc. Prof. of Statistics. B.A., Univ. Cal, Los Angeles, 1972; M.A., Univ. of Arizona, 1975; Ph.D., NC State, 1980.

HONG, Chuanxue (1999), Prof. of Plant Pathology. B.S., Anhui Agric. College, 1982; M.S., Beijing Agric. Univ., 1987; Ph.D., Beijing Agric. Univ., 1990 (Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center).

HONG, Dennis W. (2003), Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994; M.S., Purdue Univ., 1999; Ph.D., Purdue Univ. 2002.

HONG, Yili (2009), Asst. Prof. of Statistics. B.S., Univ. of Science and Technology of China, 2004; M.S., Iowa State Univ., 2005; Ph.D., Iowa State Univ., 2009.

HOON, Parakh (2005), Asst. Prof. of Political Science. B.A., St. Stephen’s College, 1992; M.A., Jawaharlal Nehru Univ., 1994; M.A., Brigham Young Univ., 1996; Ph.D., Univ. of Florida, 2005.

HOOPES, Barbara J. (1994), Assoc. Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.S., Davidson College, 1982 Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; 1994 (Northern Virginia Center)

HOPKINS, Julia (2009), Asst. Director for College Transition Programs, CAEE. B.S., Virginia Tech, 2004; M.Ed., Lynchburg College, 2006.

HOPKINS, W. Wat (1987), Prof. of Communication. B.A., Western Carolina, 1972; M.A., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1973; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1987.

HOPKINS, William A. III (2005), Assoc. Prof. of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. B.S., Mercer Univ., 1992; M.S., Auburn Univ., 1997; Ph.D. Univ. of South Carolina, 2001.

HOU, Y. Thomas (2002), Assoc. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.E., City College of New York, 1991; M.S., Columbia Univ., 1993; Ph.D., Polytechnic Univ., Brooklyn, NY, 1998.

HOUSE, Leanna (2008), Asst. Prof. of Statistics. B.S., Cornell Univ., 1998; M.A.T., Cornell Univ., 1999; M.S., Duke Univ., 2003; Ph.D., Duke Univ., 2006.

HOVER, Paul (2004), Asst. Prof.; Library. A.B., Princeton Univ., 1970; M.A., Univ. of Auckland, 1993; M.S., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004.

HOWELL, Buddy W. (2009), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Communication. B.A., Baylor Univ., 1990; M.A., Baylor Univ., 1999; Ph.D., Texas A&M Univ., 2006.

HOWELL, John R. (1979), Assoc. Prof. of Music. B.A., Puget Sound, 1966; M.M., Indiana, 1974.

HSIAO, Michael S. (2001), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992, M.S. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993, Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997.

HUBER, Patrick (2008), Asst. Prof. of Physics. Diploma, TU München, 2000; Ph.D., TU München, 2003.

HUCKESTEIN, Stephanie (2007), Education and Outreach Coordinator, Horticulture. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1998, M.S., Virginia Tech, 2007.

HUCKLE, William R. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. B.A., Williams College, 1978; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1981; Ph.D., Iowa, 1988.

HUDAIT, Mantu (2009), Assoc. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. M.S., Indian Institute of Technology, 1992; Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science, 1999.

HUEBNER, Angela J. (1999), Asst. Prof. of Human Development. B.A., Univ. of Nebraska, 1989; M.S., Univ. of Arizona, 1993; Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona, 1995. (National Capital Region Campus)

HUGHES, Michael D. (1979), Prof. of Sociology. B.A., Alabama, 1967; M.A., Alabama, 1971; Ph.D., Vanderbilt, 1979.

HUGHES, Owen (1988), Prof. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. S.B., M.I.T., 1961; S.M., M.I.T., 1963; Ph.D., Univ. New South Wales, Australia, 1968.

HULL, R. Bruce (1993), Prof. of Forestry. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1979; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1981; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1984.

HULT, Karen (1994), Prof. of Political Science and Public Administration and Policy. B.A., Creighton Univ., 1978; Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota, 1984.

HULVER, Matthew W. (2006), Asst. Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Marietta College, 1992; M.S., Western Maryland College, 1998; Ph.D., Univ. of Kansas, 2001.

HUMPHERIES, William D. (2009), Director, Learning Application Development. B.S., Virginia Tech, 2004; M.S., Virginia Tech, 2008.

HUMPHREY, Elaine (2000), Assoc. Director for Research and Assessment.. B.A., College of William and Mary, 1974; M.A. Ed., Virginia Tech, 2000; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2008.

HUNDLEY, Travis W. (2009), Budget Coordinator. B.S., Virginia Tech, 2001; M.P.A., Virginia Tech, 2003.

HUNG, (Daniel) Chang-Yu (2001), Research Analyst, Institutional Research & Effectiveness. B.S., Tamkang Univ., 1987; M.S., Bradley Univ., 1991; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2000.

HUNNINGS, Kay P. (2007), Assoc. Dean for Administration, Pamplin College of Business. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1979; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 2007.

HUNTER, Monica (2006), Assoc. Director of Campus Programs, UUSA. B.S., Radford Univ., 1993; M.S., Radford Univ., 1995.

HURST, Z. Scott (1987), Univ. Architect. B.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1974.

HUSSER, John S. (1979), Assoc. Prof. of Music. B.M., Indiana, 1969; B.M.E., Indiana, 1969; M.M., Ohio State, 1971.

HUTCHESON, John R. (1994), Director, Alumni Relations. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1975; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1978; MBA, William and Mary, 1980.

HUTSON, Susan M. (2008), Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.A., Vanderbilt Univ., 1970; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1976.

HUXTABLE, Scott T. (2003), Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering; ESM Affiliate Faculty. B.S., Bucknell Univ., 1997; M.S., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1999; Ph.D., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 2002.

HYER, Michael W. (1978, 1987), N. Waldo Harrison Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., SUNY (Buffalo), 1964; M.S., Purdue Univ., 1966; Ph.D. Univ. of Michigan, 1974.

HYER, Patricia B. (1987), Assoc. Provost for Academic Administration. B.A., Hillsdale College, 1970; M.A., Univ. of Michigan, 1971 & 1974; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1983.

HYRA, Derek S. (2009), Assoc. Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning. B.A., Colgate Univ., 1996; M.A., Univ. of Kansas, 1999; M.A., Univ. of Chicago, 2000; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 2005.



ILIESCU, Traian (2002), Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Univ. of Bucharest, 1995; M.A., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1997; Ph.D., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 2000.

INCE, Ozgur (2006), Asst. Prof. of Finance. B.S., Istanbul Technical Univ., 1999; M.S., Univ. of Michigan, 2001; Ph.D., Univ. of Florida, 2006.

INMAN, Daniel J. (1992), George R. Goodson Prof. of Mechanical Engineering; ESM Affiliate Faculty. B.S., Grand Valley State College, 1970; M.S. Michigan State, 1975; Ph.D., Michigan State, 1980.6

INZANA, Karen D. (1989), Assoc. Department Head, Small Animal Clinical Sciences and Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., King College, 1977; D.V.M., Tennessee, 1980; M.S., Wisconsin, 1985; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1988; Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M.

INZANA, Thomas J. (1987), Univ. Research Integrity Officer; Tyler J. & Frances F. Young Chair in Bacteriology, Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. B.S., Univ. of Georgia, 1975; M.S., Univ. of Georgia, 1978; Ph.D., Univ. of Rochester School of Medicine, 1983; Diplomate, A.B.M.M.

IRVIN, Andrew H. (2008), Assoc. Vice President for Human Resources. B.A., Vanderbilt Univ., 1981, M.Ed., Vanderbilt Univ., 1983, Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1995.

IVORY, Adrienne H. (2010), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Communication. B.A., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004; M.A., Virginia Tech, 2007; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2010.

IVORY, James D. (2005), Asst. Prof. of Communication, B.S., Univ. of Wyoming, 2000; M.A., Univ. of Wyoming, 2002; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005.



JACKSON, Gary N. (2000), Asst. Director of Undergraduate Admissions. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1978.

JACKSON, Robin H. (2001), Asst. Director, Alumni Relations. B.A., Univ. of North Carolina, 1974; M.A., East Tennessee State Univ., 2001.

JACOBINA, Charles (2003), Executive Director, EMBA Program, Pamplin College of Business. B.A., Findlay College, 1970; M.A., Management, George Washington Univ., 1978; Ed.D., George Washington Univ., 1987.

JACOBSEN, David C. (1988), Assoc. Prof. of Music. B.M., Wisconsin State, Oshkosh, 1971; M.M., Northwestern Western Illinois, 1972; D.M.A., Univ. of Illinois Urbana, 1982.

JACOBSON, Wendy (1991), Assoc. Prof. of Landscape Architecture. B.A., Dalhousie Univ., 1973; M.L.A. Univ. of Guelph, 1981.

JAHNCKE, Michael L. (1985). Prof., Food Science and Technology and Director, Hampton Seafood Research and Extension Center. B.S. U.W. at Stevens Point, 1975; M.S. Cornell Univ., 1980; Ph.D. Cornell Univ., 1985.

JAMES, Robert E. (1980), Prof. of Dairy Science. B.S., Delaware, 1971; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1975; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1978.

JAMES, Tabitha L. (2002), Assoc. Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.A., The Univ. of Mississippi, 1998; Ph.D., The Univ. of Mississippi, 2002.

JAMISON, Kathleen (2000), Extension Specialist, 4-H, Extension. B.S., Old Dominion Univ., 1972; M.S., Old Dominion Univ., 1982, Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2004.

JANOSIK, Steve M. (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Education. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1973; M.Ed., Univ. of Georgia, 1975; Ed.D., Virginia Tech, 1987.

JARROTT, Shannon E. (1999), Department Head and Assoc. Prof. of Human Development. B.S., Univ. of California, 1992; M.S., Penn State, 1995; Ph.D., Penn State 1999.

JELESKO, John G. (2000), Assoc. Prof. of Plant Physiology. B.S., Univ. of California, Davis, 1983; M.S., Univ. Washington, 1988; Ph.D., Univ. Washington, 1992.

JENKINS, Dale M. (1999), Advanced Instructor of Communication. B.A., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1983; M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1991.

JENKINS, J. Gregory (2005), Prof. of Accounting and Information Systems. B.S.B.A., Appalachian State, 1989; M.S., Appalachian State, 1990; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1998.

JENSEN, Kirsten (2007), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Japanese. B.A., Univ. of Queensland, 1970; M.A., Univ. of Queensland, 1972; Ph.D., Old Dominion Univ., 2007.

JENSEN, Roderick V. (2007), Prof. of Biology. B.A., Princeton, 1976; M.S., Princeton, 1978; Ph.D., Princeton, 1981.

JIANG, Honglin (2001), Assoc. Prof. of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., Nanjing Univ., 1987; M.S., Nanjing Agric. Univ., 1990; Purdue Univ., 1997.

JIAO, Yan (2005), Asst. Prof. in Marine Resources Population Dynamics. B.S., Ocean Univ. of China, 1993; M.S., Ocean Univ. of China, 1997; Ph.D., Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, 2004.

JOBST, Shelly, (2004), Asst. Director, Continuing and Professional Education. B.S., California Polytechnic State Univ., 1995; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1998.

JOHNSEN, Kurt H. (2000), Adjunct Asst. Prof. of Forestry. B.S., Vermont, 1985; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1987; Ph.D., Georgia, 1990.

JOHNSON, Charles S. (1985), Prof. of Plant Pathology. B.S., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1979; M.S., North Carolina State Univ., 1982; Ph.D., North Carolina State Univ., 1985. (Southern Piedmont Agricultural Research and Continuing Education Center).

JOHNSON, David W. (1988), Assoc. Prof. of Theatre Arts. B.A., Valparaiso, 1968; M.F.A., Univ. of Hawaii, 1973.

JOHNSON, Jr., Lonnie L. (1997), District Director, Southeast District, Extension. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1992; M.S. Auburn Univ., 1996.

JOHNSON, Mildred R. (1995), Director, Undergraduate Admissions. B.A., Averett College, 1975; M.S., Radford, 1981.

JOHNSON, Neil E. (2008), Instructor of Geosciences. B.S., Ohio State Univ., 1980; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1983; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1986.

JOHNSON, Richard J. (1993), Director of Housing and Dining Services, Student Programs. B.A., The College of William and Mary, 1975; M.B.A., Averett College, 1999.

JOHNSON, Scott W. (1991), Assoc. Prof. of Human Development. B.A., Lincoln, 1973; M.A., Johns Hopkins, 1974; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1991.

JOHNSON, Sharon P. (1998), Assoc. Prof. of French and Francophone Studies. B.A., Kalamazoo, 1979; M.A., Wisconsin (Madison), 1989; Wisconsin (Madison), 1996.10

JOHNSTON, Melanie A. (2006), Assoc. Director of Marketing and Recruiting, Pamplin College of Business. B.S., Ohio Univ. – Athens, 2001; M.Ed., William and Mary, 2004.

JOHRI, Aditya (2007), Asst. Prof. of Engineering Education. B.Eng., Delhi Univ., 1998; M.M.C., Univ. of Georgia, 2000; M.S., Georgia Inst. of Technology, 2002; Ph.D., Stanford Univ., 2007.

JONES, Brett D. (2006). Assoc. Prof. of Education. B.A.E., Pennsylvania State Univ., 1992; M.A., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999.

JONES, Jeryl C. (1995), Assoc. Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Clemson, 1978; D.V.M., Georgia, 1982; Ph.D., Auburn, 1995; Diplomate, A.C.V.R.

JONES, Jim R. (1997), Prof. of Architecture. B.S., Univ. of Michigan, 1981; M.Arch., Univ. of Michigan, 1983; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1995.

JONES, Kathleen W. (1991), Assoc. Prof. of History. B.A., Delaware, 1969; M.A., Alberta, 1974; Ph.D., Rutgers, 1988.

JONES, Mark T. (1990), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Clemson, Univ., 1986; Ph.D., Duke Univ., 1990.

JONES, Robert H. (1995), Department Head of Biology and Prof. of Ecology. B.S., Clemson, 1979; M.S., Clemson, 1981; Ph.D., SUNY, 1986.

JONES, Russell T. (1984), Prof. of Psychology. B.A., Western Michigan Univ., 1972; M.A., Pennsylvania State Univ., 1973; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Univ., 1976.

JORTNER, Bernard S. (1980), Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 1958; M.S., Connecticut, 1966; Diplomate, A.C.V.P.

JOYCE, Kevin (2008), Asst. Prof. of Military Science, B.A., Virginia Tech, 2000.

JU, Young-Hwa (2004), Asst. Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.A., Korea Univ. at Seoul, 1987; M.S., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998.

JUNG, Sungwan (2009), Asst. Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., Sogang Univ. (South Korea), 1999; M.S., POSTECH (South Korea); Ph.D., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2005.

JUSTICE, Gregory W. (1983), Assoc. Prof. of Theatre Arts. B.F.A., Utah, 1979; M.F.A., Penn State, 1983.2,10



KADLEC, Gregory B. (1992), R.B. Pamplin Professor of Finance. B.S., Purdue, 1985; M.S., Purdue 1986; Ph.D., Purdue, 1992.

KAESTLE, Christine (2006), Asst. Prof. of Human Development. B.A., Univ. of Grinnell, 1995; M.S.P.H., Univ. of California, 2001; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, 2006.

KAFURA, Dennis G. (1982), Prof. of Computer Science. B.S., San Francisco, 1970; M.S., Purdue, 1972; Ph.D., Purdue, 1974.

KAJDER, Sara B. (2007), Asst. Prof. of Education. B.A., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1997; Ph.D., Univ. of Virginia, 2005.

KANTER, Erik (2003), Instructor of Communication, B.A., North Central College, 1989; M.A., San Diego State University, 1991.

KAPANIA, Rakesh K. (1985), Norris and Laura Mitchell Prof. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering; ESM Affiliate Faculty. B.S., Punjab Engr. (India), 1977; M.S., Indian Institute of Sci., 1979; Ph.D., Purdue, 1984.

KARFAKIS, Mario G. (1988), Assoc. Prof. of Mining and Minerals Engineering. B.S., Scientifique et Medical de, Grenoble, Institut Dolomieu, France, 1975; M.S., Wisconsin, 1978; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1983.

KARK, Steven R. (1992), Senior Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1981; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1983.

KARMIS, Michael E. (1978), Stonie Barker Prof. of Mining and Minerals Engineering. B.S., Strathclyde, 1971; Ph.D., Strathclyde, 1974. P.E.

KARPANTY, Sarah (2006), Asst. Prof. of Wildlife Science. B.S., Miami Univ.; Ph.D., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, 2003.

KASARDA, Mary E. F. (1997), Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S. UVa., 1984; M.S., UVa., 1988; Ph.D., UVa., 1996.10

KATEN, Brian (1997), Program Chair and Assoc. Prof. of Landscape Architecture. B.A., The George Washington Univ., 1972; M.L.A., UVa., 1983.

KATS, Amoz (1974), Prof. of Economics. B.A., Hebrew Un. (Jerusalem), 1966; M.S., Technion, Israel Inst. of Tech., 1968; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1974.

KAUFMAN, Eric K. (2007), Asst. Prof. of Agricultural and Extension Education. B.S., The Ohio State Univ., 2000; M.S., Univ. of Florida, 2004; Ph.D., Univ. of Florida, 2007.

KAUR, Taranjit (2001), Asst. Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. B.S., The Pennsylvania State Univ., 1980; D.V.M., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1985; M.P.H., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1998; Diplomate, A.C.L.A.M.

KECSKES, Ambrus (2008), Asst. Prof. of Finance. B.Com., Univ. of Toronto, 2003; Ph.D., Univ, of Toronto, 2008.

KEELING, Margeret (2004), Asst. Prof. of Human Development. B.S., Univ. of East Texas, 1982; B.S. Ed., Univ. Southwest Texas State, 1985; M.S., Univ. of Azusa Pacific, 1994; Ph.D., Univ. Texas Tech, 2003.

KEENE, Frances Babb (2003), Director of Judicial Affairs, Student Programs, B.S., The College of William and Mary, 2000, M.Ed., Univ. of Virginia, 2002.

KELLEY, Cynthia W. (2009), Accounts Receivable Manager, Communications Network Services. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1991.

KELLY, Marcella J. (2001), Assoc. Prof. of Wildlife Science. B.S., Univ. of California-Davis, 1991; Ph.D., Univ. of California-Davis, 2000.

KELSCH, Paul (2006), Assoc. Prof. of Landscape Architecture. B. Arch., Univ. of Notre Dame, 1981; MLA, Univ. of Michigan, 1986; Ph.D., Royal Holloway College, Univ. of London, 2003.

KEMNITZER, Ron (2004), Prof. and Chair of Industrial Design. B.S., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1967; M.A., Northern Illinois Univ., 1973.

KENNEDY, John M. (2006), Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1975; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1997; Ph.D., Clemson Univ., 1984.

KENNEDY, Lisa M. (2001), Assoc. Prof. of Geography. B.A., Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ., 1992; M.S. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1997; Ph.D., Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2003.

KENNEDY, Reed B. (2008), Instructor of Management. B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1974; M.H.A., Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 1981.

KENNELLY, Peter J. (1989), Prof. of Biochemistry. B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1978; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 1985.

KENNELLY, Tamara (1993), Assoc. Prof.; Library. B.A., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1968; M.A., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1971; M.F.A., Univ. of Iowa, 1975; M.S.L.S., Univ. of Kentucky, 1992.

KENNEY, Donald J. (1979), Assoc. Prof.; Assoc. Dean of Administrative Services, Library. B.A., Berea, 1967; M.Ed., Virginia, 1969; M.L.S., Catholic Univ. of America, 1974.

KENSLER, Jonathan A. (2009), Application Developer, Learning Technologies. B.A., Grinnell College, 2004; M.S., Univ. of Kansas, 2007.

KEOWN, Arthur J. (1974), R. B. Pamplin Prof. of Finance. B.A., Ohio Wesleyan, 1969; M.B.A., Michigan, 1971; D.B.A., Indiana, 1974.2,3,7,9

KEY, Barry L. (2006), Assoc. Director; Budget and Financial Planning. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1973.

KHADEMIAN, Anne M. (2003), Assoc. Prof. of Public Administration and Policy. B.A., East Lansing, MI, 1983; M.A., Michigan State, 1985; Ph.D., Washington Univ., 1989.

KHAN, Mahmood A. (1987), Prof. of Hospitality and Tourism Management. B.S., Osmania Univ., 1966; B.S., A.P. Agric. Univ., 1969; M.S., Louisiana State, 1972; Ph.D., Louisiana State, 1975.

KHANSA, Lara Z. (2008), Asst. Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.E., American Univ. of Beirut, 1998; M.S., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000; M.B.A., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008.

KHODAPARAST, Giti (2004), Assoc. Prof. of Physics. B.S., Univ. of Amir Kabir (Polytechnic), Teheran, Iran; M.A. Temple Univ.; Ph.D. Univ. of Oklahoma, 2001.

KIDD, Vera V. (1983), Assoc. Director for Planning and Business Services, Student Programs. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1977; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1980.

KIEBUZINSKA, Christine (1986), Prof. of English. B.A., Goddard College, 1972; M.A., Univ. of Maryland, 1979; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1984.

KIECOLT, K. Jill (1993), Assoc. Prof. of Sociology. B.A., Univ. of Oklahoma, 1971; M.A., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1976; Ph.D., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1982.

KIKUCHI, Shinya (2005), Charles E. Via Jr. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.S., Hokkaido Univ. (Japan), 1967; M.S., Hokkaido Univ., 1969; Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1974, P.E. (Nat. Capital Region campus)

KILKELLY, Ann G. (1991) Prof. of Theatre Arts; Prof. of Women’s Studies. B.A., Univ. of Minnesota, 1968; M.A., Univ. of Utah, 1974; Ph.D., Univ. of Utah, 1981.10

KILLOUGH, Larry N. (1969), KPMG Prof. of Accounting and Information Systems. B.S., Tennessee, 1955; M.B.A., Temple, 1966; Ph.D., Missouri, 1969.

KIM, Byung Cho (2007), Asst. Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.S., Sogang Univ., 2000; M.S., Univ. of Chicago, 2002; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon, 2007.

KIM, Dong-Yun (2007), Asst. Prof. of Statistics. B.S., Yonsei Univ., 1986; M.S., Yonsei Univ., 1990; Ph.D., Michigan State Univ., 2003.

KIM, Inyoung (2007), Asst. Prof. of Statistics. B.S., Chenju Univ., 1994, M.S., Yonsei Univ., 1996; Ph.D., Texas A&M Univ., 2002.

KIM, Ji-hyun (2004), Assoc. Prof. of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management. B.S., Korea Univ., Seoul, Korea, 1998; M.A., Michigan State Univ., 2000; Ph.D., Iowa State Univ., 2004.

KIM, Jong Uhn (1983), Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Seoul National, 1973; M.S., Brown, 1977; Ph.D., Brown, 1981.

KIM, Jungmeen (2005), Asst. Prof. of Psychology. B.A., Yonsei Univ., 1991; M.A., Yonsei Univ., 1993; Ph.D., Univ. of Virginia, 1998.

KIM, Kee Jeong (2004), Assoc. Prof. of Human Development. B.A., Hanyang Univ., 1994; M.S., Iowa State Univ., 1996; Ph.D., Iowa State Univ., 1998.

KIM, Minjeong (2008), Asst. Prof. of Women’s Studies in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies. B.A., Ohio State Univ., 1999; M.A., Univ. of Albany, SUNY; Ph.D., Univ. of Albany, SUNY, 2008.

KIM, Mintai (2007), Assoc. Prof. of Landscape Architecture. B.S.L.A., The Univ. of Seoul Korea, 1988; M.L.A., Univ. of California Berkeley, 1994; Ph.D., Univ. of California Berkeley, 2001.

KINCADE, Doris H. (1992), Prof. of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management. B.S., East Carolina, 1973; M.S.H.E., East Carolina, 1974; Ph.D., UNC-Greensboro, 1988.

KINDER, Alice F. (1985), Senior Instructor of English. B.S., Radford, 1982; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1985.

KING, Marilynn R. (2002), Senior Assoc. Director, Univ. Scholarships and Financial Aid. B.A., Hood College, 1976; M.A., East Tennessee State Univ., 1999.

KING, Matt (2010), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Philosophy. B.A., Univ. of Virginia, 2002; M.A., Univ. of Maryland, 2005; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, 2008.

KING, Neal (2002), Assoc. Prof. of Humanities and Women's Studies in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies; B.A., Univ. of California-Santa Barbara, 1987; M.A., Univ. of California-Santa Barbara, 1990; Ph.D., Univ. of California-Santa Barbara, 1996.

KING, Scott D. (2007), Prof. of Geophysics. B.A., Univ. of Chicago, 1985; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1990.

KINGSTON, David G. I. (1971), Univ. Distinguished Prof. of Chemistry. B.A., Cambridge, 1960; Dip.Th., London Univ., 1962; M.A., Cambridge, 1964; Ph.D., Cambridge, 1964.

KIRAN, Erdogan (2000), Department Head and Prof. of Chemical Engineering. B.Sc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969; M.S., Cornell Univ., 1971; Ph.D., Princeton Univ., 1974.

KIRK, R. Gordon (1985), Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., UVa., 1967; M.M.E., UVa., 1969; Ph.D., UVa., 1972; P.E.

KIRKPATRICK, Roy L. (1966), Thomas H. Jones Prof. Emeritus of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. B.S., West Virginia, 1962; M.S., Wisconsin, 1964; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1966.

KIRWAN, Jeffrey L. (1996), Assoc. Prof. and Extension Specialist, Natural Resources Education. B.A., Bridgewater, 1972; M.S., Minnesota, 1978; Ph.D., Virginia, 1997.

KLAGGE, James C. (1985), Department Chair and Prof. of Philosophy. A.B., William & Mary, 1976; M.A., UCLA, 1980; Ph.D., UCLA, 1983.

KLAUS, Martin (1982), Prof. of Mathematics. Dipl., Zurich, 1970; Ph.D., Zurich, 1974.

KLEIBER, Stephen (2001), Director of Finance, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1992; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1994.

KLEIN, Bradley G. (1988), Assoc. Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. B.A., New York State Univ. (Stony Brook), 1977; Ph.D., City Univ. of New York, 1983.

KLEIN, Noreen M. (1983), Assoc. Prof. of Marketing. B.A., B.S., Penn State, 1973; M.S., Penn State, 1980; Ph.D., Penn State, 1983.

KLEINE, Lauren G. (2008), Clinical Asst. Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Cornell Univ., 1999; D.V.M., Mississippi State Univ., 2003.

KLEINER, Brian M. (1994), Prof. of Industrial and Systems Engineering. B.S., SUNY, 1981; M.S., SUNY at Buffalo, 1983; Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo, 1990.

KLEMBA, Michael W. (2005), Asst. Professor of Biochemistry. B.S., U. of Waterloo, 1990; Ph.D., Yale, 1996.

KLEMPERER, W. David (1976), Prof. Emeritus of Forest Economics. B.S., State Univ. of New York (Syracuse), 1962; M.F., Oregon State, 1966; Ph.D., Oregon State, 1971.

KLINE, D. Earl (1988), Prof. of Wood Process Control. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1982; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1984; Ph.D., Texas A&M, 1987.

KLINE, Jessica (2009), Instructor of Mathematics. B.S., Virginia Tech, 2008; M.S., Virginia Tech, 2009.

KLOCK, Derek D. (2006), Instructor of Finance. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1996; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 2005.

KNAPP, Shoshana (1978), Assoc. Prof. of English. B.A., Barnard College, 1973; B.H.L., Jewish Theological Seminary, 1973; Ph.D., Stanford Univ., 1978.

KNIGHT, James W. (1976), Prof. of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., Univ. of Louisiana-Lafayette, 1970; M.S., Florida, 1972; Ph.D., Florida, 1975.2,3,8,10

KNOBLAUCH, Ann-Marie (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Art History. B.A., New York Univ., 1988; M.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1991; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, 1997.

KNOCKE, William R. (1979), W. Curtis English Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.S., Missouri, 1975; M.S., Missouri, 1976; Ph.D., Missouri, 1978; P.E.9

KNOTT, Tamara W. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Engineering Education. B.S. Virginia Tech, 1984; M.S. Virginia Tech, 1988.

KNOWLTON, Katharine F. (1998), Prof. of Dairy Science, B.S., Cornell, 1991; M.S., Michigan State, 1993; Ph.D., Maryland, 1997.

KNOX, Paul L. (1985), University Distinguished Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning and Senior Fellow for International Advancement. B.A., Sheffield (England), 1969; Ph.D., Sheffield (England), 1972.

KOCH, Bettina (2006), Asst. Prof. of Political Science. M.A., Univ. of Münster, 1997; Ph.D., Univ. of Vechta, 2004.

KOCHERSBERGER, Kevin (2006), Research Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1983; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1984; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1994.

KOEBEL, C. Theodore (1990), Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning and Director, Virginia Center for Housing Research. B.S., Xavier Univ., 1969; M.C.P., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1971; Ph.D., Rutgers Univ., 1979.

KOELLING, C. Patrick (1987), Asst. Dept. Head and Assoc. Prof. of Industrial, and Systems Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Missouri, 1976; M.S., Univ. of Missouri, 1977; M.B.A., Univ. of Missouri, 1978; Ph.D., Arizona State, 1982.4

KOHLER, Abigail (1988), Senior Instructor of Mathematics. A.B., College of Mt. St. Vincent, 1965; M.S.EDCI, Virginia Tech, 1988.7

KOHLER, Werner E. (1973), Prof. of Mathematics. B.E.E., Manhattan, 1961; M.S., Poly. Inst. of Brooklyn, 1963; Ph.D., Rensselaer Pol., 1972.

KOK, Loke T. (1972), Prof. of Entomology. B.S., Univ. of Malaysia, 1963; M.S., Univ. of Malaysia, 1965; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin (Madison), 1971.6

KOK, Victoria T. (1972), Prof., Library and Adjunct Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. B.Sc., Univ. of Malaya, 1963; B.Sc. Honors, Univ. of Malaya, 1964; M.L.S., Wisconsin (Madison), 1971.

KOLIVRAS, Korine N. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Geography. B.A., Shippensburg Univ., 1997; M.A., Univ. of Arizona, 2000; Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona, 2004.

KORNHAUSER, Alan A. (1989), Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1973; M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1973; Ph.D., MIT, 1989.

KOSLOW, Julian (2008), Asst. Prof. of English. B.A., Rutgers College, 1994; Ph.D., Rutgers Univ., 2005.

KOWALEWSKI, Michal J. (1998), Prof. of Geosciences. M.S., Univ. of Warsaw, 1990; Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona, 1995.

KRAFT, Barbara (2005), Instructor in Horticulture. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1991; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1993.

KRAIGE, Luther G. (1975), Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., UVa., 1970; M.S., UVa., 1971; Ph.D., UVa., 1975.2,3,4,9

KRALLMAN, John D. (1985), Director, Information Technology Acquisitions. B.A., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1979; MBA, Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1980.

KRESGE, Daniel R. (2009), Asst. Prof. of Aerospace Studies, Air Force ROTC. B.A., Faulkner Christian Univ., 2001; M.B.A., Touro Univ. International, 2004.

KREYE, Betti C. (2007), Clinical Asst. Prof. of Education. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1970; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1972; Ed.D., Virginia Tech, 2009.

KRIZ, Ronald D. (1989), Assoc. Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., California Polytechnic State, 1974; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1976; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1979.

KROLL, Gregory (2009), Assoc. Director of Information Technology Planning. B.S., MSU, 1978; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1982.

KRONENBERG, Philip S. (1977), Prof. of Public Administration and Policy. B.S., Bradley, 1959; M.A., Syracuse, 1962; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 1969. (Northern Virginia Center).

KRUPAR, Ellen (1997), Assoc. Prof.; Library and College Librarian for Pamplin College of Business. B.S., Central Florida, 1989; M.L.S., Florida State, 1990.

KU, KiHong (2005), Asst. Prof. of Building Construction. B.S., Seoul National Univ., 1992; M.S., Seoul National Univ., 1994; D.Des., Harvard Univ., 2005.

KUHAR, Thomas P. (2001), Assoc. Prof. of Entomology. B.S., Towson Univ., 1992; M.S.,Virginia Tech, 1996; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2000. (Eastern Shore)

KUHN, Jeffrey R. (2006), Asst. Prof. of Molecular and Cellular Biology. B.S., Univ. of Texas, 1991; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, 2000.

KUHNS, Carole L. (1995), Research Faculty. B.S.N., Wagner College, 1970; M.S. Univ. of Maryland, 1972; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1993.

KULCZYCKI, Gregory W. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Computer Science. B.S., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1991; M.A., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1993; Ph.D., Clemson, 2004. (Northern Virginia Center)

KULKARNI, Rahul V. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Physics. M.S., I.I.T. Kanpur, 1993; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ., 2000.

KUMAR, Raman (1984), R.V. and A.F. Oliver Prof. of Investment Management and Department Head. B.B.M., Banaras Hindu, 1974; M.B.A., Indian Institute of Management, 1977; Ph.D., Pittsburgh, 1985.

KURDILA, Andrew J. (2005), W. Martin Johnson Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1983; M.S., Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1984; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1988.

KUREK, Sharon M. (2008), Director of Internal Audit. B.B.A., Mercer Univ., 1998.

KUYPERS, Jim A. (2005), Assoc. Prof. of Communication, B.S., Florida State Univ., 1987; M.A., Florida State Univ., 1991; Ph.D., Louisiana State Univ., 1995.